Tuesday 7 July 2015

Children’s liturgy – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) –
12 July 2015

Colour: Green

==== 7:00 - 7:03 ====
Entrance Song:

Bind us together, Lord,
Bind us together, With cords that cannot 

be broken. Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together,
Bind us together with Love.

Ask: Does anyone remember what we were talking about last week? <how God uses regular people like us to tell about him, how we need to believe in Jesus> What is the word that means the same as “Believe”? <Faith>
Explain: Today we are going to talk some more about Faith.
Ask: Has anyone here ever been on a trip before? <allow a few minutes for discussion> Did you take a lot of stuff with you? <discuss> Did you ever find that you were so busy taking care of your things that you missed some of the fun?
Explain: Jesus sent his friends out to tell everyone about him but... he told them to “pack lightly” so that they could concentrate on others and not themselves.
Ask: What might that mean to us? <focus on sharing God’s love rather than spending time worrying about other things, believing that God will take care of our needs>
//V// In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
R// Amen.
//V// May The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
And the love of God,
And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.
//R// And with Your Spirit.

==== 7:03 - 7:08 ====


==== 7:08 - 7:11 ====

Penitential Rite

Dear little children, let us acknowledge our sins,
and so prepare ourselves
to celebrate the sacred mysteries.

Confession of our sins
I confess to the Almighty God,
and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned
in my thoughts and in my words
in what I have done and In what I have failed to do
-strike the breast 3 times as you say- through my fault
through my fault
rough my most grievous fault
THEREFORE I ask Blessed Mary Ever Virgin all the Angels and Saints
and you, my brothers and sisters
pray for me to the Lord our God
Have Mercy on us oh Lord
For we have sinned against you
Show us, Oh Lord, your mercy
And grant us your salvation
You were sent to heal the contrite of heart
Lord have Mercy
Lord have Mercy
You came to sinners
Christ have mercy
Christ have mercy
You are seated at the right hand of the father to intercede for us.
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
May the almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to life everlasting AMEN

==== 7:11 - 7:14 ====


Opening Prayer
God of truth, inspire us to share all 
that you have given us and be friendly 
and welcoming to all people.

=== 7:14 - 7:19 ====

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
A prepared child comes to takes the first reading or second reading..
The 1st reading tells the story of a man named Amos who listened to God and did what God told him to do. Amos was just an ordinary farmer but God chose him to tell some important people about things that would happen to the Israelites.

The first reading today is taken from the letter of Amos 7:10-15
Amos and Amaziah
10 Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, then sent a report to King Jeroboam of Israel: “Amos is plotting against you among the people. His speeches will destroy the country. 11 This is what he says: ‘Jeroboam will die in battle, and the people of Israel will be taken away from their land into exile.’”
12 Amaziah then said to Amos, “That's enough, prophet! Go on back to Judah and do your preaching there. Let them pay you for it. 13 Don't prophesy here at Bethel any more. This is the king's place of worship, the national temple.”
14 Amos answered, “I am not the kind of prophet who prophesies for pay. I am a herdsman, and I take care of fig trees. 15 But the Lord took me from my work as a shepherd and ordered me to come and prophesy to his people Israel.
This is the word of the Lord” 
All say “Thanks be to God”.

Let us focus on our responsorial Psalm
< Lord, show us your mercy and love, and grant us your salvation..>

.Welcoming the Gospel ..with Alleluia!! -
Welcoming the Gospel
You are welcome Lord of Lords, You are welcome King of Kings You are welcome Lord of Hosts You are welcome Prince of Peace.. You are welcome here, Alle-lluia, Alle..lluia Might God!!!
Silently say: ”Cleanse my heart and my lips, almighty God, that I may worthily proclaim your Holy Gospel.
The Lord be with You, AND with your Spirit
Gospel Reading: The Gospel reading is from the book of ...Mark 6:7-13
We are going to do something that everyone does in the big church. We make three little crosses - 1 on our forehead- 1 on our lips - and 1 on our hearts. (forehead),We are asking God to help us understand His words , (lips) to help us tell others about His word and (heart) live His word. When we do this, we say : Glory to You, O Lord Jesus Christ.
7 He called the twelve disciples together and sent them out two by two. He gave them
authority over the evil spirits 8 and ordered them, “Don't take anything with you on the trip except a walking stick—no bread, no beggar's bag,
no money in your pockets. 9 Wear sandals, but don't carry an extra shirt.” 10 He also told them,
“Wherever you are welcomed, stay in the same
house until you leave that place. 11 If you come to a town where people do not welcome you or will not listen to you, leave it and shake the dust off your feet. That will be a warning to them!”
12 So they went out and preached that people
should turn away from their sins. 13 They drove out many demons, and rubbed olive oil on many sick people and healed them.
The Gospel of the Lord”
Glory and praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ
(*)Tell an interesting story according to the Gospel and children’s level of understanding like in the 
Gospel reflection: here below
==== 7:19 - 7:24 ====
When was the last time you went away? What did you take with you? How do you think you would like to go away without any clean clothes, any toys or books, any money to spend?
The disciples had nothing – it must have been very difficult. And without food or money to buy food, they could have been very hungry. They had to rely on the people they met along the way being kind and generous, inviting the disciples to stay with them and share their food.
What is one thing that you think God would like for you to quit worrying about?

Profession of our faith
I believe in God the Father, Almighty,
creator of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord:

--bow down--
Who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary:
Suffered under Pontius Pilate;
was crucified, died and was buried:
He descended into hell:
The third day he rose again from the dead:
He ascended into heaven,
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty: From there He will come to judge the leaving and the dead:
I believe in the Holy Spirit:
the holy catholic church:
the communion of saints:
The forgiveness of sins:
The resurrection of the body:
And the life everlasting.
==== 7:24 - 7:26 ====
Prayer of the Faithful
Now is the time to pray for our stuff :-)Intercessions You may want to ask the children to offer their own prayers or you can use the suggestions below.
We pray together as members of one global family:
Prayer 1 We pray for the Church throughout the world: that it may be a place of welcome and safety for all people in need...We pray to the Lord...
Prayer 2 We pray for all people who have to leave their homes: that they may find a safe place to stay and be welcomed by those that they meet along the way.... We pray to the Lord...
Prayer 3. We pray for our parish, family and friends: that we may be generous with what we have been given, sharing with others, so that all people may have enough.
We pray to the Lord....
==== 7:26 - 7:28 ====
Silently, each one tell God your petition.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

One God, for ever and ever.
Song Interlude: Walk Walk in the light, walk walk in the light, .........
==== 7:28 - 7:30 ====
Sing as we give in our offertory and we walk to the big church...

NOTE-- after the song, is being sung, we pick the children that will perform
next Sunday....
Bring up A child in a way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6