Thursday 10 August 2023

Nineteenth Sunday in the Ordinary Time (Year A) Sunday 13th August, 2023

        Children’s Liturgy (Oratorial)

Nineteenth Sunday in the Ordinary Time (Year A)  
Sunday 13th August, 2023
Preparing the worship space
Theme: Water and Jesus

WelcomeToday, we hear how Jesus walked on water, and His disciples saw Him coming towards them and they were very scared...

                  ==== 7:00 - 7:03 ===
Entrance Song

Give Me Joy In My Heart
1.     Give Me Joy In My Heart
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Give me joy in my heart, I pray;
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Keep me praising till the break of day:
Refrain.   Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
Sing hosanna to the King of kings.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
Sing hosanna to the King.
2.     Give me peace in my heart, keep me loving,
Give me peace in my heart, I pray;
Give me peace in my heart, keep me loving, Keep me loving till the break of day:

Ask: What was last week’s theme? <White cloud with bright sun rays behind it.”> < We learnt the wonderful new life that God promised to us at His only son’s transfiguration. That we should listen to Hi.>
//V// In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
//R// Amen.
//V// May The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
And the love of God,
And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
be with you all.
//R//  And with Your Spirit.
====  7:03 - 7:08 ====
====  7:08 - 7:11 ====
Penitential Rite
Dear little children, let us acknowledge our sins,
and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
Confession of our sins
I confess to the Almighty God,
and to you, my brothers and sisters,
that I have greatly sinned
in my thoughts and in my words
in what I have done and In what I have failed to do
          -strike the breast 3 times as you say-
through my fault
through my fault
through my most grievous fault
THEREFORE I ask Blessed Mary Ever Virgin
all the Angels and Saints
and you, my brothers and sisters
to pray for me to the Lord our God…

Oh Lord Have Mercy

//Oh Lord have mercy (Lord have mercy)
Oh Lord have mercy (Lord have mercy)// x2

Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy x2

//Oh Lord have mercy (Lord have mercy)
Oh Lord have mercy (Lord have mercy)// x2

====  7:11 - 7:14 ====
With a loud voice lets sing the Gloria!
GLORIA – Eco Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to the  Father...x2 To Him be glory forever!!x2 Alleluia Amen x2
Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to the  Son...x2 To Him be glory forever!!x2 Alleluia Amen x2
Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to the  Spirit...x2 To Him be glory forever!!x2 Alleluia Amen x2
Opening Prayer: Our Lord Jesus, you are same, then, now and forever!, we give you thanks for having showed us miracles when you were still here on earth.  Dear Jesus, never leave us alone we pray. Amen.
===  7:14 - 7:19 ====
Liturgy of the Word
Introduce the first reading.
Today’s first reading is from the first book of Kings in the Old Testament (1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a).  Elijah was a good man who tried hard to listen to God and do what God told him to do.  This is a story about a time when Elijah was living in a cave.  God told him to go outside because He was going to pass by that way.
Would you recognize God if He passed by your house?  What do you think you would see or hear?  <let the children respond>  Let’s listen to Elijah’s story and see what he discovered.
A prepared child/children come and take the reading.

1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a (GNT)

The Lord Speaks to Elijah
9 There he went into a cave to spend the night.
Suddenly the Lord spoke to him, “Elijah, what are you doing here?”
11 “Go out and stand before me on top of the mountain,” the Lord said to him. Then the Lord passed by and sent a furious wind that split the hills and shattered the rocks—but the Lord was not in the wind. The wind stopped blowing, and then there was an earthquake—but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake there was a fire—but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the soft whisper of a voice.

13 When Elijah heard it, he covered his face with his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. A voice said to him, “Elijah, what are you doing here?”
This is the word of the Lord;
All say “Thanks be to God”.

AskHow did Elijah recognize God?  Was God in the mighty wind? <no> Was God in the earthquake? <no> Where was God when Elijah recognized him? <in the stillness>  Do you think, if Elijah wasn’t sure that God was coming, that he would have recognized the moment of God’s arrival?

SayLet us now focus on our responsorial Psalm:
Lord, show us your mercy and love, and grant us your salvation.…3x

Introducing the Gospel
Today’s Gospel reading comes from the book of Matthew (Matt 14:22-33) In the reading, we hear what happened next. after Jesus had fed 5000 men on only 5 loafs of bread and 2 fish, At the end of the day, Jesus sent his disciples into a boat headed for home. Jesus stayed behind to get some time alone. The boat sailed all night and towards morning, the disciples saw Jesus coming towards them walking on the water.  Wow!  Pretend that you are one of the disciples in the boat and listen to what happens next.

....with Alleluia!! –
We sing while standing and welcome the gospel!!
Alle-llu, Alle-llu, Alle-llu, Alle-lluia,
Lets praise the Lord...
Alle-llu, Alle-llu, Alle-llu, Alle-lluia,
Lets praise the Lord...
Alle..lluia, Lets praise the Lord...
Alle..lluia, Lets praise the Lord...
Alle..lluia, Lets praise the Lord...
Alle..lluia, Lets praise the Lord...
The leader reading the gospel, silently says: “Cleanse our hearts and our lips almighty God, that we may worthily proclaim your Holy Gospel.
The Leader starts: -The Lord be with You,
-And with your Spirit.
A reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew.
Glory to You, O Lord

Matthew 14:22-33 (GNT)

Jesus Walks on the Water
22 Then Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people away. 23 After sending the people away, he went up a hill by himself to pray. When evening came, Jesus was there alone; 24 and by this time the boat was far out in the lake, tossed about by the waves, because the wind was blowing against it.
25 Between three and six o'clock in the morning Jesus came to the disciples, walking on the water. 26 When they saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. “It's a ghost!” they said, and screamed with fear.
27 Jesus spoke to them at once. “Courage!” he said. “It is I. Don't be afraid!”
28 Then Peter spoke up. “Lord, if it is really you, order me to come out on the water to you.”
29 “Come!” answered Jesus. So Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water to Jesus. 30 But when he noticed the strong wind, he was afraid and started to sink down in the water. “Save me, Lord!” he cried.
31 At once Jesus reached out and grabbed hold of him and said, “What little faith you have! Why did you doubt?”
32 They both got into the boat, and the wind died down. 33 Then the disciples in the boat worshiped Jesus. “Truly you are the Son of God!” they exclaimed.
“The Gospel of the Lord”
Glory and Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
====  7:19 - 7:24 ====
(*) Tell your prepared reflecting story to motivate the children, but according to the Gospel and children’s level of understanding like in the suggestions below…

Gospel reflection:
Ask: Why do you think the disciples were afraid when they saw Jesus walking on the water?  <because they knew that no one can walk on water – maybe they thought they were seeing a ghost Peter recognized Jesus.  What happened next? <Peter walked on water>  Peter was the leader and tried to determine if what they saw was really Jesus.  Why do you think that Peter was able to walk on water?  <Because he believed that Jesus would take care of him>  Why do you think that Peter sank?  <Peter started thinking that he couldn’t walk on water and thought that what he was doing was impossible >
Memory Verse: Mathew
“Matthew 14:25 “Between three and six o'clock in the morning, Jesus came to the disciples, walking on the water…...

Let us stand up and we profess our faith.

Profession of our faith
I believe in God the Father, Almighty,
creator of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord:
         --bow down--
Who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary:
Suffered under Pontius Pilate;
was crucified, died and was buried:
He descended into hell:
The third day he rose again from the dead:
He ascended into heaven,
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty:
From there He will come to judge the living and the dead:
I believe in the Holy Spirit:
the holy catholic church:
the communion of saints:
The forgiveness of sins:
The resurrection of the body:
And the life everlasting.
====  7:24 - 7:26 ====
Prayers of the Faithful Now is the time to pray for our stuff :-) Intercessions.
You may want to ask the children to offer their own prayers or you can use the suggestions here.
Leader  Sometime the things that we must do to follow Jesus are much harder than what we think we can do.  We must truly believe that God will take care of us Let us reflect on His goodness as we pray together:

Prayer 1. Let us pray for Pope Francis’ health and faith, pray for bishops, priests, and all the faithful, that they may show all people to trust God in everything. We pray to the Lord…

Prayer 2. We pray for world leaders: that they may be faithful with God’s people to make the world a fairer place, so that everyone is happy in their own country… We pray to the Lord..

Prayer 3. We pray for those who are hungry or homeless, may they receive their peace in Jesus and believe in only Him. pray to the Lord...

Prayer 4. We pray for our parish, our friends and our family: that we may be disciples together and support each other in all that life gives us… We pray to the Lord...

====  7:26 - 7:28 ====
Silently, each one tells God your petition.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever. Amen
====  7:28 - 7:30 ====
Song Interlude: Walk Walk in the light, walk walk in the light, Sing as we give in our offertory and we walk to the big  church... NOTE-- after the song, is being sung, we pick the children that will perform next Sunday....

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.Proverbs 22:6